2. “The internet in general. I used to be able to search Google for a subject and then get a list of reliable websites to read from. Now, it’s 99% crap, ad-ridden sites that all want to sell me shit ...

Tesla’s new Supercharger strategy allows the company to make money off its competitors’ customers by collecting charging fees from them. (Pricing varies by region, time of day, and whether an EV was made by Tesla, but it generally costs between ...

Cars crashing into bollards, brakes slamming on to avoid imaginary collisions, and more than 2,400 complaints of cars accelerating out of their owner’s control. The 100 gigabytes worth of internal Tesla documents leaked to the German newspaper Handelsblatt present a sobering ...

For almost two decades after it opened in 1913, Michigan’s Central Station was a major stop on the nation’s interurban rail network. Then the private car took over the US, and Detroit declined. By the 1970’s, white residents were fleeing to ...

Polestar is a design-driven, pure-electric brand, so the arrival of the Polestar 4 is no surprise (especially, coming as it does, after Polestars 1, 2, and 3). But what is thought-provoking is that this savvy brand of lateral thinkers and ...