Following our recent Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) overview, we cover how to deploy CDP private Cloud on you local infrastructure. It is entirely automated with the Ansible cookbooks published by Cloudera and it is reproducible on your local host with ...

MinIO is a popular object storage solution. Often recommended for its simple setup and ease of use, it is not only a great way to get started with object storage: it also provides excellent performance, being as suitable for beginners ...

Ceph is a distributed all-in-one storage system. Reliable and mature, its first stable version was released in 2012 and has since then been the reference for open source storage. Ceph’s main perk is both delivering block storage, file systems and ...

When it comes to exposing services from a Kubernetes cluster and making it accessible from outside the cluster, the recommended option is to use a load-balancer type service to redirect incoming traffic to the right pod. In a bare-metal cluster, ...

Job description Big Data and distributed computing are at the core of Adaltas. We accompagny our partners in the deployment, maintenance, and optimization of some of the largest clusters in France. Since recently we also provide support for day-to-day operations. ...