An Instacart delivery driver and his girlfriend were shot at while trying to deliver groceries in South Florida. According to police reports, Waldes Thomas Jr., 19, and his girlfriend, Diamond Darville, 18, pulled into the wrong driveway while trying to ...

The world’s largest crypto exchange is on the hunt for a user it says publicly posted the keys to its crypto kingdom. In court documents first filed April 7, Binance asked the court to grant a subpoena against GitHub, trying ...

Europol this week issued a stark warning highlighting the risks posed by criminals as  they get to grips with the new wave of advanced AI chatbots. In a post shared online this week, Europe’s law enforcement agency described how tools ...

Alexander and others have been examining the claims made so far. The New York Times and Die Zeit both published stories on March 7 claiming a Ukrainian group was behind the sabotage. (Ukraine has denied any involvement.) Die Zeit published more details, claiming German ...

Last year, cybercriminals started using a novel tactic to pilfer subscriber data from social media companies: using stolen passwords purchased on the dark web, digital hoods would hack into police email accounts, then use their access to file something called ...