Smart home gadgets are continuing to gain popularity with homeowners. From robot vacuums and smart speakers to smart thermostats and smart light bulbs, there’s a smart home product for just about every need. And while users typically have to ensure ...

GPT-5 is the expected next major LLM (Large Language Model) as released by OpenAI. Given the massive success of ChatGPT, OpenAI is continuing the progress of development on future models powering its AI chatbot. GPT-5 aims to be a major ...

Wi-Fi problems can strike anyone at any time, no matter how much networking experience you have. But if you’ve not come across a particular Wi-Fi issue before, there’s no harm in not knowing how to fix it. All you need ...

A viral TikTok has made the internet rounds, showing a person who thought that they could transfer Apple gift card funds to Apple Pay. After buying a $300 Apple gift card, however, they quickly learned that that’s simply not possible. ...

Besides maintaining Apple’s position as one of the world’s leading tech firms, the company’s CEO, Tim Cook, is also highly accomplished at never giving anything away. This essential skill — an absolute must-have for Apple executives — really comes into ...