Java 21 is going to introduce several intriguing additions that enhance the language’s capabilities. This article aims to discuss a few notable features that stand out, providing an overview of their functionalities and potential use cases. Character Enhancements Character.isEmoji(int codePoint): ...
Joseph, who has been working as a Quality Engineer, was assigned to perform web automation for the company’s website. The end goal of the web automation tests was to create an automated regression test suite that could be run on ...
Platform-specific apps have been in the ecosystem for a long time. But, in recent times, building PWA with AngularJS web apps is grabbing momentum. It is due to the principle of “anyone, anywhere, on any device” with a single code ...
Generics in Java In Java programming, language generics are introduced in J2SE 5 for dealing with type-safe objects. It detects bugs at the compile time by which code is made stable. Any object type is allowed to be stored in ...
What Is a Subflow? A subflow in Kumologica is a defined section of a flow that is created using a Subflow In and Subflow Out node. Its purpose is to improve the reusability of code and enhance the readability of the ...