The Bold Glamour beauty filter on TikTok has been used over 16 million times since its release last month. It contours your cheekbone and jawline in a sharp but subtle line. In addition, it lifts your eyebrows, applies a shimmer ...

Meredith Broussard is unusually well placed to dissect the ongoing hype around AI. She’s a data scientist and associate professor at New York University, and she’s been one of the leading researchers in the field of algorithmic bias for years. ...

The latest episode of our podcast, In Machines We Trust, is the second of a two-part series, diving into how AI is being used to teach human pilots to perform some of the most dangerous and difficult maneuvers in aerial ...

In late January, a geothermal power startup began conducting experiments where it pumped water deep below the desert floor of northern Nevada.  The results—which MIT Technology Review is reporting exclusively—suggest that Houston-based Fervo can create flexible geothermal power plants, capable ...

When OpenAI launched ChatGPT, with zero fanfare, in late November 2022, nobody inside the company was prepared for a viral mega-hit. It was viewed in-house as a “research preview,” a tease of a more polished version of a two-year-old technology ...