Sometimes referred to as automated UI testing or visual regression testing, VRT checks software from a purely visual standpoint (taking a screenshot and comparing it against another approved screenshot). Cypress is an emerging test automation framework that enables teams to ...

Nowadays, automation is becoming integral to the overall quality of the products being developed. Especially for mobile applications, it’s even more important to implement automation robustly. As per Statista, the number of mobile users will likely be 7.26 billion by ...

While working on any UI functionality, I tend to aspire for more and more logs and reporting. This happens especially when performing test automation on web pages. Testing such websites means interacting with several web elements, which would require a ...

Aloha guys. We are going on about popular interview questions. Today we will solve a few problems with the sliding window approach.  Best Time To Buy and Sell Stock  Our first problem is taken from “LeetCode Algorithm Challenges: Best Time ...

Currently, and for quite a while now, most developments are done under the umbrella of a framework. If we focus on the front end and JavaScript, we can find dozens of frameworks. It is challenging to reuse graphical interface elements ...