It sounds so obvious: Public EV chargers should be located in public, where people tend to gather. The reality has often been otherwise, with too many chargers tucked into desolate parking lots or seemingly random locations. And since even the ...

I’m currently traveling in Turkey, and even though I’m just a few days from starting a vacation and could be spending my time outside petting the street cats of Istanbul, I’m a journalist. I can’t not pay attention to the ...

As we head into a world of electric cars, charging is the biggest concern for many first-time buyers. It makes sense. While the hype for electric cars themselves is arguably justified, the biggest drawback is the fact that you have ...

Over the last 20 or so years, contributing editor Robert N. “Bob” Charette has written about some of the thorniest issues facing the planet at large and engineers in particular. For IEEE Spectrum, he’s dug into software reliability and maintenance, ...

Volvo Cars CEO Jim Rowan boldly proclaims that electric vehicles will reach price parity with internal-combustion-engine (ICE) vehicles by 2025. Not likely, counter Mercedes-Benz’s chief technology officer Markus Schäfer and Renault Group CEO Luca de Meo. The International Energy Agencypredicts ...