You’ve heard the advice for years: Turn on two-factor authentication everywhere it’s offered. It’s long been clear that using only a username and password to secure digital accounts isn’t enough. But layering on an additional authentication “factor”—like a randomly generated ...

Angular provides an excellent platform using which we can develop complex UI applications like workflow process management. In this article, I describe a state transitions technique for developing an Angular timesheet application that involves a workflow process. A timesheet submission ...

The world’s largest crypto exchange is on the hunt for a user it says publicly posted the keys to its crypto kingdom. In court documents first filed April 7, Binance asked the court to grant a subpoena against GitHub, trying ...

Photo: J. David Ake (AP) Getty Images Wants AI to Stop Copying Them Shortly after rumors leaked of former President Donald Trump’s impending indictment, images purporting to show his arrest appeared online. These images looked like news photos, but they ...

At Adaltas, we maintain several open-source Node.js projects organized as Git monorepos and published on NPM. We shared our experience to work with Lerna monorepos in a set of articles: Now is the turn of our popular open-source Node CSV ...