Sometimes, a new device makes you again consider what role technology plays in your life. The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 did that for me. Samsung Galaxy Flip 5: Hands-on first Impressions of Samsung’s Pocket-Sized Folding Phone Now, first off, ...

Article Hero Image The Australian government’s intention to impose more regulations on Apple Pay, Apple Wallet, and other payment mechanisms is an overreach, Apple insists, with it potentially risking the security of its service. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia ...

Through the years there have been plenty of apps promising a one-stop shop for all your messages, and the latest of these is Beeper: It collects all of your conversations from WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Slack, Google Chat, Twitter (or ...

Removing the old NAND chips from a Mac mini logic board [YouTube/Luke Miani] Owners of the M1 Mac mini can upgrade the storage, but with a tricky process involving desoldering chips, it’s a difficult path that most users should avoid ...

Intel logo A pair of vulnerabilities have been discovered impacting Intel and AMD CPUs, and they both affect generations of processors for those who haven’t updated their systems yet. The new threats are called “Downfall” and “Inception,” and both rely ...