Recent earnings prints from Inc. and Snowflake Inc., along with new survey data, have provided additional context on top of the two events that Snowflake and Databricks Inc. each hosted last June. Specifically, we believe that the effects of ...

The Federal Trade Commission continues to drag its feet on approving Broadcom Inc.’s acquisition of VMware Inc. Ironically, in our view, these delays only hurt the very competitive environment the FTC claims to be protecting. The artificial intelligence era is ...

As the global talent shortage continues, chief information security officers have grown concerned about the continuing deficit of cybersecurity talent. To attract and retain talent amidst today’s talent shortage, cybersecurity leaders are shifting their focus to more formal human-centric talent ...

Artificial intelligence has the potential to create substantial business value for organizations, but AI teams often find it challenging to realize and communicate these benefits. In fact, Gartner research has found that difficulty measuring AI value and a lack of understanding around AI benefits and ...

Over the past several months we’ve produced a number of in-depth analyses laying out our mental model for the future of data platforms. There are two core themes: 1) Data from people, places, things and activities in the real world drive applications, ...