HuffPost reached out to the Hamshire-Fannett Independent School District for comment, and were sent the following emailed statement provided to parents: “As you may be aware, following concerns regarding curricular selections in your student’s reading class, a substitute teacher has ...

According to MSNBC, these are the United Auto Workers’ list of demands: “In the last four years, the price of cars went up 30%. CEO pay went up 40%… No one had any complaints about that, but God forbid the ...

Disney is known for its fair share of animated bear characters. There’s Koda and Kenai in Brother Bear, Lots-o’ in Toy Story 3, Baloo in The Jungle Book, and Winnie-the-Pooh, to name a few. However, they may have just (unintentionally) ...

If you’re online in any capacity, you’ve probably seen this trend making the rounds. Many women are talking about how fascinated they are that the men in their lives seem to be thinking so much about the Roman Empire. I ...

This One-Question Poll Will Reveal How Many Of Y’all Are Really Thinking About The Roman Empire Not all of y’all are thinking about the Roman Empire. Please be so serious. BuzzFeed Quiz Party! Take this quiz with friends in real ...