In a microservices architecture, it’s common to have multiple services that need access to sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, or certificates. Storing this sensitive information in code or configuration files is not secure because it’s easy for attackers ...

SaaS applications are the new normal nowadays, and software providers are looking to transform their applications into a Software As a Service application. For this, the only solution is to build a multi-tenant architecture SaaS application. Have you ever wondered ...

In the past development of web application information systems, user authentication is an indispensable function module. The user authentication function includes user registration and log in authentication. In the past development methods, the common way to realize the user authentication ...

Aloha, guys. Today, we will address more frequently asked questions and solve a few problems using the two-pointers technique.  This approach is widely used in interview tasks. It is crucial to read the patterns in the condition of the problem ...

A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is getting more and more important in the software supply chain. In this blog, you will learn what an SBOM is and how to build the SBOM in an automated way. Enjoy! 1. Introduction ...