A few weeks ago, I saw this tweet from Ingvar Stepanyan: 🇺🇦 Ingvar Stepanyan @RReverser Starting to think that ES6 modules missed an opportunity of specifying modules as completely pure (only exports / imports allowed, no execution at the top ...

Check this out: The example itself is a little unimpressive from a user experience standpoint (it’s based on someone else’s actual use-case and I didn’t have a chance to update it to look pretty). But the underlying code there is ...

Two weeks ago, I wrote a new library! I’ve been thinking about it for a while. But two weeks ago I started getting pretty serious about it: Kent C. Dodds 🌌 @kentcdodds I’m seriously starting to think that I should ...

The goal of this post is to not only help you understand what prop drilling is (some also refer to it as “threading”), but also when it can be a problem and mechanisms you can use to side-step or avoid ...

This last week I had someone criticize using React component state because: there are no browser dev tools for inspecting component state Maybe this person just forgot about the official React DevTools browser extension, maybe they didn’t know about it. ...