I’ve been giving presentations for years. I like many others started with PowerPoint because “that’s how you make presentations.” I moved on from that to Prezi when I was in college and I wowed all the crowds. I moved on ...

A few years ago, Michael Jackson had an idea. He needed an easy way to make demos for his open source projects (specifically React Router) and realized that he already hosts all his projects somewhere: npm! So he could just ...

In another post “What is a polyfill”, I talked about a situation I came across with a white screen on IE10 (the app crashed because we were missing polyfills). I explained a bit of the difference between a polyfill and ...

I get asked about this at least twice a week, so I thought I’d save myself some time by writing a blog post I can reference instead of answering the same question repeatedly (spoiler, this is one of my secrets). ...

This is a phrase I first heard from David Khourshid in his talk at React Rally 2017 Infinitely Better UIs with Finite Automata: “Make impossible states impossible” (super great talk by the way, and xstate is awesome, and David is ...