I get really excited about new tech I find interesting. When I first “got” the testing framework AVA, I was soooo excited. I was on the rooftops of twitter telling people to give AVA a shot. I created two screencasts ...

I guess I’ve been on a bit of a testing kick recently, I promise this newsletter will delve into more stuff later. But I saw this tweet from Justin Searls (a developer who I admire with a great deal of ...

I want to show you something. What I’m going to show is a general testing principle, applied to a React component test. So even though the example is a React one, hopefully it helps communicate the concept properly. Note: my ...

Let’s say you’ve got this test: const add = (a, b) => a + b if (add(1, 2) !== 4) { throw new Error('Expected 3 to be 4') } (Yes, that is a test). If you run that with node, ...