Linux will work on just about any PC. I mean that literally. Remember the Intel Pentium 4 processor? It’s still supported by Debian Linux. That said, Linux runs better on some laptops than others. These days quite a few big-name ...

Overlay filesystems (also called union filesystems) is a fundamental technology in Docker to create images and containers. They allow creating a union of directories to create a filesystem. Multiple filesystems, which are just directories, are superposed one on top of ...

Nix is a functional package manager for Linux and other Unix systems, making the management of packages more reliable and easy to reproduce. With a traditional package manager, when updating a package, a new version is downloaded and used to ...

When using an operating system, upgrading packages or installing new ones are common tasks that introduce the risk of affecting the stability of the system. NixOS is a Linux distribution that ensures the reliability of the operating system and allows ...

The Nix packages collection is large with over 60 000 packages. However, chances are that sometimes the package you need is not available. You must integrate it yourself. I needed for some fonts which were not already present inside nixpkgs. ...