Jellybean continues to defy expectations. The 5-year-old Labrador retriever mix jumps up and down from her favorite spot on the couch and walks around the living room with such ease, it’s as if she hadn’t ever had metastatic cancer. Her ...

Wheezing after getting on the treadmill. Gulping down air while doing chores. Breathlessness is one of the many scary and frustrating symptoms that can linger in Covid patients months after their initial infection. But while these symptoms were a mystery ...

The US Supreme Court on Friday temporarily blocked a lower court’s order that would have banned the abortion pill mifepristone. The action means that the drug will remain available and legal under status quo regulations until the case works its ...

The legal saga over the abortion pill mifepristone isn’t over yet. On Wednesday, the US Supreme Court extended its own deadline to decide on the fate of the drug until Friday by just before midnight Eastern Time.  The pill will remain ...

Three years in, the pandemic mania has settled to a rumbling hum. We’re back to sweating on each other in nightclubs, spluttering out birthday candles, and sharing firm handshakes. Covid-19, while still very much alive, has for most people diminished ...