React Router is a widely used routing library for React applications due to its API, which simplifies integration. The latest version of React-router (v6) was released in November 2021 and marked a significant API change. Version 5 of React-router was ...
React v18 has finally been released after being talked about since 2021. React v18 brings exciting new features to improve performance and the user experience. The main emphasis of this release was the introduction of concurrent Mode, new hooks, and ...
While redacting a long and fastidious document today, I came across DBnomics, an open platform federating economic datasets. Browsing its website and APIs, I found their OpenAPI schema (aka Swagger). While browsing the schema, I kept a second tab open ...
Good tech adventures start with some frustration, a need, or a requirement. This is the story of how I simplified the management and access of my local web applications with the help of Traefik and dnsmasq. The reasoning applies just ...