When starting a new web app development, a lot of business owners ask themselves: “What tools are the most suitable to use?” “What web framework to choose for the project?” JavaScript will obviously be the core as it provides the ...

Startups need outside capital to grow. However, the process of raising that money is often long, complex, and ego deflating. It is a path all founders must take to succeed in business, but when is the right time to raise? ...

Did you know that an entrepreneurial mindset is the key to starting and running a successful business? Nowadays, starting a small business or startup has become even more difficult. Not only because people are less satisfied with their jobs, but ...

There’s no such thing as too much when it comes to the 2muchcoffee team. We’re a Ukrainian-based company that’s the all-around technology partner that’s ready to help you elevate your business. We have vast experience working on different technologies like ...