Rumors of a Nintendo Switch 2 (or Switch Pro) have been circulating for years.  Whispers of the next-gen Nintendo console first started when The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was first teased in 2019, gained steam when the Switch OLED ...

While technically an action-adventure game, you could easily call The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom a collectathon game as well. You will be scooping up hundreds of items, from ingredients and ores to weapons and monster parts. These ...

New in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom are Sages, which serve as companions who help you throughout the game. These Sages offer different abilities that all have their own unique benefits. These Sage abilities can actually be ...

Nintendo just hosted an Indie World showcase and previewed some exciting indie games like Rift of the Necrodancer, Blasphemous 2, and Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals. While the Nintendo Switch has always been a first-party, AAA-title machine, it’s also become an ...

The Nintendo Switch has had a lot of success in the nearly six years since its release. The console-handheld hybrid has been on the market since 2017, and a slew of fantastic games from first- and third-party developers launched over ...