While redacting a long and fastidious document today, I came across DBnomics, an open platform federating economic datasets. Browsing its website and APIs, I found their OpenAPI schema (aka Swagger). While browsing the schema, I kept a second tab open ...

At Adaltas, we maintain several open-source Node.js projects organized as Git monorepos and published on NPM. We shared our experience to work with Lerna monorepos in a set of articles: Now is the turn of our popular open-source Node CSV ...

Setting up the environment to run the tests on a CI/CD can take a few roundtrips between your host machine and the CI/CD running remotely. For every attempt, you’ll have to commit and publish your changes before waiting for the ...

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm, and this week, OpenAI released the ChatGPT API. I’ve spent some time playing with ChatGPT in the browser, but the best way to really get on board with these new capabilities is to ...

Node.js has been a favorite among serious programmers for the last five years running. The JavaScript Runtime Environment for Maximum Throughput is a free and open-source program that aims to improve the performance of JavaScript across several platforms.  Because of its ...