When I was working on downshift, I came across a situation where my users (myself included) needed the ability to at any time reset the dropdown we were building to its initial state: no input value, nothing highlighted, nothing selected, ...

kentcdodds.com is completely custom built by me (and team) using Remix. After writing tens of thousands of lines of code using this framework, I have developed a great appreciation for what this framework can do for me and the users ...

I’ve been building React applications since 2015. Since then, React was the biggest single productivity boost for my development by a long shot. React’s declarative model for rendering UI based on state drastically simplified the way I thought about building ...

I want to take everything I know about building web applications and package it up into a consumable form. For years I’ve envisioned a “KCD.edu” sort of site where I teach the 99% of skills every web developer shares. I’ve ...

React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. One of the key features of React is its ability to manage state and re-render components efficiently. In some cases; however, re-rendering components can be computationally expensive and slow ...