The best room in your house is about to be your backyard. View Entire Post › Source link ...

Here’s what BuzzFeeder Emma Lord has to say: “I use this on my skin and definitely have noticed results! While it didn’t help kick my all of stubborn pre-period hormonal acne, it has done *wonders* with reducing redness on my face, ...

I’ll bet you 10 shiny nickels that none of these items will end up in a junk drawer collecting dust. View Entire Post › Source link ...

This stuff is MAGICAL. I have stick-straight Asian lashes that refuse to hold a curl with wetter mascara formulas. As a result, I have to use waterproof mascara, which is a total pain to remove at night. Instead of rubbing ...

It can be used on washable fabrics, including leather, vinyl, nubuck, suede, canvas, cloth, and more. You should follow the instructions on the bottle. Start by getting the brush a little damp, and apply two to three drops of the ...