It’s a good time to be an A/V nerd. We’ve scoured the web for discounts and found some killer deals on high-end audio and video gear for your entertainment center at home, or for when you want to get out ...

Scooters are electric vehicles, so there are a few things you should and shouldn’t do if you get one. First, if you’ve never ridden an electric scooter and are nervous about shelling out for one, try a rideshare service. Companies ...

Some soundbars also have Bluetooth connectivity and HDMI inputs as well, meaning you can use them as a traditional home theater receiver. What you need depends entirely on your own use case, but for most people, a simple HDMI connection ...

Lately, some of us on the WIRED Gear team have been obsessing over AirPods cases. Not just any old cases, we’re talking about ones that look like sneakers, candy, luggage, cell phones, even tins of Spam, allowing us to show ...

There are an insane amount of cases on the market. These are the others we like, just not as much as the ones above. Casetify Impact Case for $72: Casetify cases are fun because the designs are innumerable. (Look at ...