MANGA Plus is an online manga reading platform that lets you read the latest chapters of Shueisha’s current ongoing manga, and several other old titles as well, for free. They’re always adding new titles so that the global fans can ...

Similar Manga [Category]Action Manga, Shounen Manga, Drama Manga, Romance Manga, Comedy Manga, Fantasy Manga, Adventure Manga, Shoujo Manga, Slice of Life Manga, School Manga, Seinen Manga, Superpower Manga, Mystery Manga, Sexy / Ecchi Manga, BL / Shounen-Ai Manga, Historical Manga, ...

Weekly manga is a ruthless industry. Everything depends highly on whether any particular manga is popular or not. After all, why would the publishers waste precious resources to support a manga that not many people read? And that creates a ...

Would you like to get a bunch of award-winning manga for an excellent price, and support a good cause in the process? Then you’re in luck, because over at Humble Bundle, manga publisher Kodansha is offering a bundle of 136 ...

That Time When The Big Three Battled It Out With Total War Arcs Bakuman gives us an informative insider-look into the Japanese manga industry: the relationship between editors and the mangaka, the difficult road toward the serialization of a new ...