Image: Soren Iverson At the tail end of 2022, screenshots of bizarre app features started going viral on Twitter. They rested just on the line between plausible and absurd. Google isn’t going to add punctuality scores to calendar invites, but ...

BeReal, a popular new spontaneous image-sharing app designed to show life, “without filters,” had the highest proportion of child users exposed to sexual content of any major social media app, according to a new survey shared with Gizmodo. Larger apps ...

Snapchat unveiled Sounds to the masses in October 2020.Image: Primakov (Shutterstock) Snapchat is looking to expand its massive sound library—called SnapChat sounds—with a new deal between its parent company Snap and several major music distributors across the world. Why Banning ...

Photo: Yui Mok (AP) Social media services have generally been free of charge for users, but now, with ad revenues slowing down, social media companies are looking for new revenue streams beyond targeted ads. Now, Twitter is charging for its ...