SpaceX is just hours away from attempting the first orbital flight of the Starship, the most powerful rocket ever made. The launch window for the uncrewed test flight, which will lift off from SpaceX’s Starbase facility in Boca Chica, Texas, ...

While NASA’s newer Perseverance rover tends to get all the headlines these days, the Curiosity rover also continues to explore the surface of Mars more than a decade after it reached the red planet. The team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion ...

The stage is finally set for SpaceX to launch its much-anticipated Starship. The two-stage rocket may or may not reach orbit during its maiden voyage, but SpaceX says “excitement guaranteed.” Astronomers Could Soon Get Warnings When SpaceX Satellites Threaten Their ...

Asteroid Apophis is scheduled for a brief rendezvous with Earth and NASA is hoping to get a good view of the close encounter in order to prepare for potentially hazardous visits by other rocky bodies. Astronomers Could Soon Get Warnings ...

A highly-anticipated mission to Jupiter and its intriguing moons is gearing up for liftoff, ready to begin an eight-year journey through the solar system to reach icy worlds that may host some form of life. NASA Delays Return to Earth’s ...