But fans have been pointing out the sexualization of young girls in Schneider’s shows for years, along with other problematic and inappropriate scenes. A while back, we asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about moments that are SUPER uncomfortable ...

This Is What 21 Years Old Looks Like On 65 Celebs There’s been a trend over the course of the past few weeks of people posting pictures of what they looked like at 21. Because I love a good *age* ...

17 Actors Who Got Scouted For Unusual Reasons Now we know that most actors just turn up to the audition and go from there. But there are some instances where an actor has landed the role in slightly stranger circumstances… ...

Hunger Games Characters AI-Generated By Book Description To make these AI portraits, we used Artbreeder to take some existing faces, morph them together, and add all the features described in the books. Here are the results: 1. Here’s Katniss Everdeen ...

30 Boyfriend Dinner Photos That Will Make You Laugh Look, not everyone is good at cooking. And not everyone has ~great~ taste in food. But there are some people in this world, namely boyfriends, who truly choose chaos when it ...