Similar Manga [Category]Action Manga, Shounen Manga, Drama Manga, Comedy Manga, Fantasy Manga, Adventure Manga, Supernatural Manga, School Manga, Sci-Fi Manga, Seinen Manga, Horror Manga, Superpower Manga, Psychological Manga, Isekai Manga, Magical Manga, Thriller Manga, Demon Manga, Martial Arts Manga, Suspense ...
Seems Like a Typical Cat to Us Mangaka : Cotton Valent Publisher : Seven Seas Genre : Cats, Comedy, Full-Color, Supernatural Published : October 19, 2021 Cats are probably some of the most prideful creatures in the animal kingdom. They ...
As the old saying goes, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” And that is mostly true for every creation, including manga. New authors build their creations on top of the inspirations and influences of the authors who came before them. ...
A Lovely Bonus for the Fans Mangaka : Kunihiko Ikuhara Publisher : Seven Seas Genre : Boys’ Love, Comedy, LGBT+ Topics, Slice of Life, Supernatural Published : October 26, 2021 Kunihiko Ikuhara is well-known for his unique storytelling. Since his ...
Final Thoughts Manga that have made it mainstream are almost always good. After all, that’s the reason they’ve made it big in the first place. However, it doesn’t always mean that less popular titles are crap. Sometimes, fate just doesn’t ...