Setting up the environment to run the tests on a CI/CD can take a few roundtrips between your host machine and the CI/CD running remotely. For every attempt, you’ll have to commit and publish your changes before waiting for the ...

We have invoicing apps and scheduling tools. Some resources will save you the trouble of hiring a designer or developer. And there are some really helpful testing and prototyping tools. Glaze Glaze is a collection of modern illustrations that are free to ...

In January’s edition of our monthly roundup of the most exciting new downloads for designers and developers, there’s everything from full-blown applications to helpful little side projects. Enjoy! Observable Observable lets you explore, analyze, and explain data as a team to ...

This month, the AI revolution continues with tons of tools backed by AI. But that’s not all; you’ll also find business apps, marketing tools, and services to help you grow a startup. Enjoy! The Org The Org is a new way of ...