Overall, the month to myself was one of the best decisions I ever made. The month flew by and by the time I was packing up my suitcase to come home, I was overwhelmed with emotions. I felt a special ...

I met a group of women in the hot tub, all wearing Mickey Mouse earrings, who were on the cruise without their kids. They themselves just loved Disney. They did also say that they chose the cruise because of the ...

20. “In Costa Rica, the eye doctor apologized that a six-month supply of contacts would cost me USD 30 since I wasn’t on the national health insurance. It was the same brand I buy in the States for about USD ...

While every country across the world — United States included — has its pros and cons, there are some things other countries outside the US do that American citizens find a little puzzling. So when Americans of Reddit were asked ...

In Huhhhhhhhh News — People Are Still Confusing Australia And Austria “Imagine looking for kangaroos and you start seeing signs in German.” Welcome to episode #89547 of “TikTok Taught Me”! This week we’re discovering a new development in continental confusion. ...