31 Photos I Feel Like I Wasn’t Supposed To See July 2024 1. This lightbulb that is still on? Even though it’s been unscrewed?? And isn’t plugged into anything?? 2. This person’s peculiarly-shaped pupil: 3. This POV of a person ...

Far too many instances of things disappearing before people’s very eyes for my comfort, TBH!!!! View Entire Post › Source link ...

26 Nightmare-Inducing Photos I Found On The Internet This Month 1. This person who borrowed a book, only to find that the previous reader used HAIR as a bookmark: 2. This hyper-realistic ear-shaped phone case that is equally as well ...

Beware: these stories are not for scaredy cats. 🙀 View Entire Post › Source link ...

Images of sea lice make my brain itch. View Entire Post › Source link ...