Playwright is an open-source automation library for web browsers developed by Microsoft and primarily used for automating interactions with web browsers like Chromium, Firefox, and Webkit-based browsers. It provides high-level APIs for browser automation, making it easy to perform actions ...

Some people may tell you that anything worth inventing has already been invented. That is not true, it probably never will be, and it certainly will not be the case for the website design world, which just keeps growing and ...

Cypress is a popular end-to-end testing framework used for web applications. It is an open-source JavaScript testing tool designed to make testing web applications fast, easy, and reliable. Cypress allows developers to write automated tests that simulate user interactions and ...

Face recognition, as a biometric recognition technology based on artificial intelligence, has been widely applied in many fields in recent years. In web applications, facial recognition-based identity authentication is also becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, the user experience ...

Do you need a little inspiration to help you get started on a long-awaited online store design project. One of the best places to find it is a WordPress theme.  The problem is, there are so many themes to choose ...