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People With IRL Michael Scott Bosses Share Their Wildest Days At Work As fans of The Office, we all love Michael Scott and the ridiculous, often misguided, shenanigans he pulls at Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch. But what if you actually ...

28. “I worked at a data center, and one of my tasks was to set up access cards. This required getting fingerprints on the door scanner and setting them up on the computer. One time, our sales guy had a ...

But when this doesn’t happen, companies desperately rework their models. When they need to curb spending, or when they struggle to raise new funding, marketing is the first thing they cut. Demand drops, creating an oversupply of workers on the ...

The election sees Sumar and center-left PSOE facing off against the Popular Party, the traditional party of the right wing in Spain, and Vox, a new far-right party whose fiery anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant rhetoric—including a promise to expel all undocumented migrants—has ...