Baldur’s Gate 3’s second patch is right around the corner, with Larian Studios suggesting that it’s a ‘chonky’ one. In a community update post on Steam, the developer revealed that the patch will be focused on improving performance issues, specifically ...

Starfield is just days away from launch and ahead of that the Bethesda RPG has seen several leaks. Copies of the game are currently in the hands of select reviewers and even some players who obtained it illegally, before sharing ...

After the proposed Activision Blizzard merger, Sony and Microsoft reached an agreement to preserve the Call of Duty series on PlayStation for 10 more years. Sony and Microsoft have reportedly reached a binding agreement to maintain Call of Duty on ...

Over the last few years, Fortnite has introduced a variety of exciting features, with the split-screen mode standing out as one of the most significant. This mode offers the convenience to play Duos on one screen, without having to hook ...

Gimlet Media is a podcast network behind fan favorite shows including Reply All and Science Vs that are hosted solely on Spotify.Image: Rokas Tenys (Shutterstock) After spending years and hundreds of millions of dollars in building up an in-house suite ...