Tell Us Absolutely Wild Stories About Why A Teacher Was Fired From Your School

Tell Us Absolutely Wild Stories About Why A Teacher Was Fired From Your School

Tell Us Absolutely Wild Stories About Why A Teacher Was Fired From Your School

Whether they deserved it or not — I want to hear the story.

It’s no question that the US education system is a bit of a mess right now. Not only are teachers leaving en masse, but school districts are constantly in the news for firing educators for the most bizarre and ridiculous reasons.

According to ABC News, a teacher in Texas says she was fired for attending a drag show and posting about it on her social media.

In September of this year, a different teacher was reportedly fired for assigning reading from an illustrated adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary.

If you’re a student, teacher, or formerly either and you’ve seen or experienced a teacher getting fired for a ridiculous reason, we want to hear about it.

Maybe you were a student whose high school teacher assigned reading from a book with a queer character, and they were removed from the school after parents found out.

Or maybe your teacher wanted a raise to afford rent, and the only way to get it would be if their students all excelled past grade level, so they botched students’ grades to make it look like they were performing higher.

Or maybe you were a student who saw teachers express concern over the district’s handling of internal issues that got leaked to the press, and then those same teachers were put on leave and no longer worked at your school the following year.

Whatever the case, we want to hear from you! Tell us the most bizarre reason why a teacher was fired from your school (or why you as a teacher were fired) in the comments below. Or, if you’d like to remain anonymous, use this Google form. Your answer may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed post.

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