The Complete Guide Angular Performance Optimization In 2023?

Those who are involved in application development are aware of the power of Angular as this framework continues to rule the developer domain. However, its laudable features are not more than enough to meet users’ high expectations and eliminate hassles like slow-loading pages, lagging interactions, and inefficient code.

That’s where Angular performance optimization becomes paramount. With this expert-led guide, you can go beyond the basics and dive deep into the latest techniques and best practices for optimizing Angular applications. So, let’s get started.


Why Should You Be Worried About Angular Performance Optimization?

A lot of factors play a crucial role in deciding the popularity of an Angular app, and performance optimization grab the top place in the list. Optimizing Angular performance is important because:

  • Performance optimization ensures that Angular applications load quickly, respond promptly to user interactions, and provide a seamless and fluid user experience.
  • Slow-loading websites or applications often result in higher bounce and lower conversion rates.
  • The rise of mobile-based browsing incidences demands Angular applications to be optimized for mobile devices.
  • Search engines consider page load times as one of the ranking factors for search results. Faster-loading Angular applications will have a higher chance of being noticed by a search engine and increase their visibility and reach.
  • Optimized Angular code consumes less bandwidth and has controlled hosting costs.

So, roll up your sleeves and plan a viable Angular performance optimization strategy.

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Best Angular Performance Optimization Techniques To Try In 2023

While lag or slow speed is a common issue with older Angular version history, you have multiple approaches to fix these and many more performance issues and enjoy a highly optimized Angular app. Next, we will briefly overview some of the most impactful fine-tuning Angular performance practices.

  • Beat the Load Lag with Lazy Loading.

Lazy loading is a great technique to improve the load time of an Angular application. This technique makes optimizing the modules and components easy, making all these available on-demand rather than loading everything upfront.

  • Stay Ahead in the Competition with AOT Compilation.

AOT or Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation is our next Angular performance optimization technique in 2023. It compiles Angular templates during the build process. This way, the templates created have small bundle sizes, and they load faster in the browser. Use AOT compilation to improve application startup performance.

  • Get Rid of Unused Codes with Tree Shaking

You need to eliminate unwanted codes if you want the app to perform par excellently and Tree Shaking is a great way to make this happen. The technique reduces the bundle size by removing dead code and dependencies that are not being used, resulting in faster load times.

Use the ‘ng build –prod –optimization=true –build-optimizer=true’ command in the Angular CLI and the technique will start working.

  • Make Crisp Codes with Code Splitting.

Performance optimization automatically happens when codes used are fully optimized and Code Splitting is the technique that you will need to accomplish this goal. It allows the browser to load only the necessary code for each page or feature. This improves initial load times and reduces the time required for subsequent page transitions.

  • Use Protractor and Batarang Performance Tools

Created by the Angular team, the Protractor testing tool is a great way to have flexible test execution. You have the freedom to measure the performance of your application and track metrics like page load time, network requests, and JavaScript execution time with Protector.

The tool is a superb resource for penning down performance-focused tests that developers can use to simulate user interactions and measure the resulting performance impact.

Batarang is equally good as this tool offers a wide range of performance profiling features to analyze the performance of your Angular application. You can gain real-time insights on functions like call timings, memory usage, and digest cycle timings. This Chrome DevTools extension is very easy to use.

  • Make Essential Items Visible With Virtual Scrolling.

If you have a long list of items to display and this is causing performance issues, you can try virtual scrolling. With this technique, you can render only the visible items on the screen.

  • Catch the Crucial Content by Caching.

Caching is a great Angular performance optimization technique that Angular developers can use on the server side to store frequently accessed resources such as scripts, stylesheets, and images.

With caching, frequently accessed content is readily available. Hence, the number of requests made to the server is reduced, and load speed improves.

Hire skilled Angular developers who know how to optimize the image if you want to optimize the performance of the Angular application. Now, image optimization is possible with the right image format, lazy loading, and responsive images to further enhance performance.

  • Try Change Detection Optimization

Change detection is a great way to figure out the incidences when the user’s data has changed or been updated. This is a default Angular framework feature and is important to maintain consistency in the application.

You have three strategies: OnPush detection, immutable data structure, and pure pips.

OnPush, also known as the “checkAlways”, is a great strategy that Angular developers can use to find out the change in the data model after the occurrence of events like user inputs and HTTP requests.

With this strategy, you can trim down the detection cycles while improving the performance. Try an immutable data structure to make sure that the application data structure is updated. With Pure Pipes, it’s easy to control the incidences of unwanted changes.

These were some of the most widely used Angular performance optimization techniques adopted by Angular developers across the globe. However, these are not the only available options. You have other options like :

  • Using small DOM trees
  • Disabling CSS & Commands Class
  • Using app shell and so on
  • Developers and enterprises need to sort out what’s causing the performance delay and adopt a resolution accordingly.


Challenges of Angular Performance Optimization in 2023

While Angular performance optimization is a non-negotiable aspect, there are challenges that developers may encounter during the process. For instance:

  • Angular applications can generate large bundle sizes, especially when using additional libraries or frameworks. Sometimes, such bundles are so many that it’s difficult to handle.
  • Rendering large lists or tables can be resource-intensive at times.
  • While Angular provides some performance-related tools and libraries, developers may encounter challenges in finding comprehensive and easy-to-use performance monitoring and profiling tools.
  • Each enterprise has different reasons behind the performance slow-down. Before implementing a strategy, finding those reasons is important and this is a labor-intensive task.
  • It’s important to note that the performance optimization process is iterative and continues for a long time.
  • As Angular applications grow in size and complexity, the codebase and bundle sizes tend to increase. Managing and optimizing a large codebase can be daunting, especially when dealing with dependencies, shared modules, and third-party libraries.


C-Metric: Address Every Angular Performance Optimization Challenge With Ease

C-Metric has a team of skilled Angular developers that you can hire to make sure that fully optimized and customized Angular applications are in place. Use their unmatched skills and understanding of this framework for your growth.

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