The Secrets People Are Keeping From Their Siblings

The Secrets People Are Keeping From Their Siblings


“Everyone hates her. She probably suspects that me and our brother can’t stand her; we’ve both blocked her and cut her out of our lives. She has no idea that the rest of our extended family actively plans their vacations around when she is unavailable so that they don’t have to see her.”

“Our mom still loves her, which is understandable, but even mom, when someone does something incredibly lazy or self-centered, she calls it ‘pulling a (my sibling’s name here).’ She had a horrible divorce, and in the beginning, everyone was sending messages of support to her ex; he ended up turning into a huge asshole and suing our parents (in the midst of our dad’s brief but terminal struggle with cancer), but we were all rooting for him. We’re all actively panicking about all the ways she is fucking up her kids.”


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