The Top 30 Best Pictures Winners Of All Time — But Have You Even Seen Them

The Top 30 Best Pictures Winners Of All Time — But Have You Even Seen Them

It’s officially Oscar Season!!! Now, I think if there is one category everyone anticipates the most, it’s Best Picture. However, not every Best Picture winner has been the best film of the year — see the whole Crash winning over Brokeback Mountain controversy.

That got me thinking, What are the best films among Best Picture winners? And that’s how I stumbled upon this list from Rotten Tomatoes ranking every Best Picture winner from 1929–2023. One thing I noticed is that the majority of the top 10 movies pre-date 1970, and one of them I had never heard of.

So I put together a list of the top 30 Best Picture movies, and I am curious how many of them you have seen or even heard of:

You can check out the entire ranking of all the Best Pictures over at Rotten Tomatoes.

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