This is the best Ten Commandments story, and the soundtrack is by members of Flaming Lips and Los Lobos (video)

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In celebration of Passover which starts tonight, I suggest watching The Ten Commandments, Cecil B. DeMille’s 1923 epic silent film version of the biblical Exodus story. (The full movie also includes a separate modern story that I never bothered to watch.) The parting of the Red Sea sequence is absolutely magnificent and worth the cost of admission alone.

The version above features a new score by Steven Drozd of the Flaming Lips, Steve Berlin of Los Lobos, and drummer Scott Amendola, produced by my pal and BB contributor David Katznelson, executive director of Jewish arts and culture organization Reboot!

As you may recall, just a few years ago archaeologists excavated the “Lost City of DeMille,” the Egyptian set for the film buried for almost 100 years in the sand dunes of Santa Barbara County, California.

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