UK Treasury Sparks Row Over Use of AI To Handle Taxpayer Complaints

UK Treasury Sparks Row Over Use of AI To Handle Taxpayer Complaints

Posted by msmash from the how-about-that dept.

Civil servants in the UK are locked in a row with the government over plans to use AI to answer taxpayer complaints. The Telegraph: Letters and emails to the Treasury are already being read by an AI tool which summarises the contents and suggests responses for civil servants. The government is now in talks to use AI across more departments, The Telegraph understands. A government spokesman said: “We make no apology for exploring innovations which improve public services. This tool has already been in use for four months and has increased productivity by 30pc, helping us save taxpayers’ money by stopping the need to use expensive contractors during busy periods.

“Staff at the Treasury will continue to write all public correspondence and make decisions on cases. This tool, which was developed by data science experts in the department, helps civil servants respond to thousands more questions quickly and on time.” But the civil serrvice trade body, the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union, warned that the AI tool could be developed “on the cheap,” leading to correspondence being misread. Fran Heathcote, PCS general secretary, said that while the union has no objection in principle to AI, that training the tool “properly takes a long time and considerable resources.” Ms Heathcote added: “Further, in anticipation of AI working well, staff numbers are cut so you get the worst of all worlds: a poorly functioning AI system with too few humans left behind to pick up the broken pieces.”

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