What are the Types of Project Management

The growing popularity of digital and collaborative platforms to streamline projects, teams, and employees remains an X-factor for today’s businesses. Similarly, project management with SharePoint is an emerging solution for organizations looking to improve their bottom line. 

When strategically planned, effective project management enhances client satisfaction, quality service delivery, optimized resources, and improved productivity. Here is a detailed blog covering project management, its types, and ways to leverage SharePoint as a project management solution. 

What is project management? 

Every project is an independent venture bound to specific outcomes, having unique plans, deadlines, tasks, and deliverables. Thus, project management is a process of strategic planning, organizing, and managing projects, teams, resources, and assignments to timely accomplish predefined objectives. 

Why do organizations need a project management solution? 

As per McKinsey, 60% of senior executives rank effective project management among the top three requirements for current businesses. A project’s success relies on productive employees, aligned resources, efficient task management, and easily accessible and shareable information. 

Multiple project management methodologies have been developed to align the three core determinants of a successful project completion strategy, i.e., Time, Resources, and Cost. Check out the top 4 project management methodologies that successful organizations prefer for high project completion rates.

Here Are Some of the Top Ways to Manage a Project Successfully.

Waterfall Methodology 

It is a traditional or linear development process resembling a waterfall progression. The entire project is segmented into phases, where each new phase starts only after the completion of its previous phase. Consider a project management solution implementing the waterfall model to decide the SharePoint workflow automation. SharePoint offers a cloud-based platform to structure your entire processes, tasks, and dependencies to monitor each and every phase of the project. With flawless employee engagement and structured document management, it helps you complete each phase timely with assured outcomes. 

Benefits of the waterfall model: 

  • Assign teams on a single module for systematic completion of tasks
  • Small objectives and task tracking for better process improvement

Agile Project Modeling 

Unlike the traditional approach, the agile project management model defines priorities for each task while managing the project as a whole. A platform that supports seamless collaboration among employees, teams, and tasks is all you need to implement the agile methodology. You can employ teams on any functions based on their capacity, change priorities, and easily add a new objective to any module at any time. Among its many benefits, SharePoint allows flawless information sharing, instant meetings, and efficient task management features in a centralized workplace environment, fitting best for this approach. 

Benefits of the agile model:

  • Task division based on expertise and capacity
  • Individual milestones for improved task-tracking features
  • Allows teams to focus on immediate requirements

Hybrid Project Management Model 

In some ways, it is an excellent blend of the above-discussed models where the projects are planned in a phased manner based on the waterfall approach with a work breakdown structure. Managing and tracking risks and accountability together is easier with this model. Modern project management solutions offer an opportunity to bring all your stakeholders on one platform. A well-knitted employee directory, brainstorming and discussions, easy-to-understand project statistics, and real-time project reporting features help you get the most out of this approach. 

Benefits of the hybrid model: 

  • Flexible work environment to accomplish emerging requirements
  • While ensuring current system needs, the hybrid approach makes it easier for stakeholders to track long-term goals too 

Kanban Project Management Method

The Kanban method is vital to streamlining and visualizing teams’ workflow. Being focused on task management helps you fetch maximum productivity out of your teams, eventually leading to consistent and overall project development. It divides more significant tasks into smaller ones, encouraging employees to work on one task at a time. Get a broader view of processes while keeping track of granular detail by visualizing existing workflows and cards on the Kanban board. 

Benefits of the Kanban method: 

  • Improves individual as well as teams’ productivity 
  • An ideal platform to discuss accountability as well as work-in-progress
  • Easy to implement and effective for a diverse range of industries

To wrap things up

Every project has its structure, goals, deliverables, and resource requirements, making it a challenging task. Still, with the right approach and a robust project management tool, issues like ineffective task tracking, lesser team collaboration, resource mismanagement, etc., can be easily eliminated. Project management with SharePoint is an emerging solution for organizations looking forwards to streamlining their resources, teams, and employees. All you need is a centralized platform where employees can collaborate, share information, and brainstorm to meet deadlines in a productive workplace environment. 

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