What Sex Therapists Say You Should Never Do In The Bedroom

What Sex Therapists Say You Should Never Do In The Bedroom

One of sex therapist Tom Murray’s rules is to never experiment in the bedroom without talking to his partner and getting their approval first. 

“The realm of intimate relationships is wide and diverse, providing endless opportunities to discover joy, pleasure and connection. But exploring new ground without consent from both parties may cause unease, betrayals of confidence and even injury,” Murray, author of “Making Nice With Naughty,”  told HuffPost. 

Having conversations about your sexual desires and limits fosters respect,  ensures both parties are on the same page and builds anticipation, he said. 

“A good sexual relationship depends on this kind of conversation because it ensures that any exploration is grounded in permission and mutual curiosity, strengthening the connection and enhancing the experience for both parties,” Murray added. 

I would never fake an orgasm. 

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