What’s The Most Shocking Detail That Made You Realize You Were Being Catfished?

What’s The Most Shocking Detail That Made You Realize You Were Being Catfished?

So, just like the rest of the world, I’m always watching MTV’s hit show Catfish, where people seek help to find out if the person they’ve been talking to online is really who they say they are.

Aside from the reality show, catfishing is actually a huge issue in the real world. So, if you have ever been a victim of catfishing (assuming you haven’t been a guest on MTV’s Catfish), I want to know the details of how it went down and how you discovered the truth!

Like, maybe you were catfished by your best friend who had secretly been in love with you for the past 10 years?

Or maybe the catfish was one of your family members pretending to be your dream guy for months as revenge for insulting them years ago?

Or maybe your catfish convinced you that they were really a famous actor and they needed you to send money so they could finally leave their partner?

If you’ve ever been catfished, we want to hear your story with all of the details. Feel free to share in the comments below, or if you prefer to remain anonymous, you can use this Google form. Your response may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

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