Who Are On The Missing Submarine? Expedition To Titanic Wreckage

The CEO of a submarine company, an adventurer billionaire, a professional diver, a Pakistani businessman, his son, and a French maritime expert are the five people on board a missing submarine named Titan, which disappeared from the radars after performing an underwater expedition to the Titanic at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. 

The main issue concerning public opinion and Coast Guard rescue workers is that the missing submarine can only last around 96 hours submerged. And as hours pass by, the hopes of finding the crew of this OceanGate Expedition vessel dwindle. Let’s check in detail the background of the men who are on board this vessel and whose lives are at risk. 

What Is The Name Of The Missing Submarine?

Titan is a submarine of the company OceanGate Expeditions made of carbon fiber. In addition, it has the ability to submerge up to 4,000 meters underwater, weighs more than 10 tons, and has a payload of 685 kilograms.

Missing submarine Titan (Credit: OceanGate)

US authorities are still on the trail of Titan, the submarine that went missing on an expedition to view the wreckage of the Titanic. The main problem is that this ship will only be 96 hours underwater.

This submarine can be underwater for up to 96 hours, so passengers can explore for several days. Precisely this is the period of time that is key since it is the period of life support that people have inside Titan.

Missing Submarine After Expedition To Titanic’s Wreckage At The Bottom Of The Atlantic

The company in charge of the Titan submarine took eight hours to notify the Coast Guard of its disappearance. Rescue operations are in full swing as they have little time to find and rescue them. U.S. Coast Guard First District Response Department Capt. Jamie Frederick said there are approximately 40 to 41 hours of oxygen remaining, according to calculations.

To carry out the search, the United States Coast Guard has sent a C-130 Hercules aircraft, and the Halifax Rescue Coordination Center has provided a P8 Poseidon aircraft. In addition, the company that owns the ship has sent another submarine by plane from the United States to help in the search operation. Meanwhile, OceanGate Expeditions explores and mobilizes all options to bring the crew back safely.

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Who Are On The Missing Submarine?

The crew of the missing submarine Titan comprises the CEO of a submarine company, an adventurous billionaire, a pro diver, a Pakistani businessman, his son, and a French maritime expert. Vanished from radars after exploring the Titanic at the ocean’s depths, this eclectic group’s fate remains unknown.

Shahzada Dawood & Son

Shahzada Dawood, a Pakistani businessman and trustee of the SETI Institute, along with his son Suleman Dawood, recently embarked on the missing submersible. Shahzada also serves as Vice President of the Dawood Hercules Corporation, a part of the Dawood Group.

Who are On the Missing Submarine?
Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood (Credit: Seti Institute)

Paul-Henri Nargeolet

Paul-Henri Nargeolet is a distinguished French maritime expert who has taken part in over 35 dives to the Titanic wreck site. He is among the five individuals who have been missing since Sunday while onboard the submersible, as confirmed by Mathieu Johann, a representative for Mr. Nargeolet. 

The director of underwater research for RMS Titanic, Inc., Mr. Nargeolet has played a significant role in recovering Titanic artifacts displayed in exhibitions, with the company having carried out eight research and recovery expeditions between 1987 and 2010, according to their official site.

Who are on the missing submarine?
Paul Henri Nargeolet (Credit: RMS Titanic, Inc.)

Hamish Harding

Hamish Harding, a British businessman, and adventurer who owns Action Aviation, was also aboard the submersible on Sunday. Harding has experience in extreme travel, such as his June 2022 spaceflight on Blue Origin and his expedition to the deepest known point on Earth, the Challenger Deep in the Pacific Ocean.

who are on the missing submarine?
Hamish Harding (Credit: Action Aviation)

Stockton Rush

Meet the CEO of the company running the expedition. Rush’s background as a jet transport-rated pilot earned him a DC-8 Type/Captain’s rating at the United Airlines Jet Training Institute by just 19.

He cultivated his passion by earning aeronautical engineering honors at Princeton University and a Berkeley Haas School of Business MBA. Rush founded OceanGate in 2009, where he spearheads financial and engineering strategies.

Banging Sounds Heard During Rescue Efforts Of Missing Submarine

On Tuesday, sonar detected banging sounds coming from beneath the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. The sounds were detected during the search for a submersible that had gone missing two days prior while exploring the Titanic wreckage with five crew members onboard. An internal US government memo provided information on the search operation.

The US Coast Guard is leading a team of experts in an effort to locate and rescue the crew members. The US Coast Guard is deploying experienced personnel with the kind of equipment on the missing vessel and a deep-sea search vehicle that can gain access to depths greater than 3,000 feet. 

The search area is roughly 1,400 square miles. And time is of the essence.

The team has also deployed acoustic equipment with hydrophones in order to detect any banging sounds coming from the area. These devices will allow them to triangulate the source of the sound so they can narrow down their search area more quickly. 

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