With an anti-aging tool like this, you’ll actually like what you see in the mirror

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TL;DR: The VYSN IntelliPen Anti-Aging EMS Electric Vibrating Heated Mini Face and Eye Therapy Device could be your new favorite step in your skincare routine. It’s now on sale for $54.99 (reg. $399).

From waking up with an aching back to getting winded going up the stairs, getting older is no picnic. And if you’ve noticed your reflection is looking a little more haggard these days, don’t be surprised if you start full-on spiraling. Are your best days really behind you?

While you may not be able to do much about that click in your knee, you can give your skin a much-needed boost and TLC, preventing the appearance of age-revealing wrinkles and fine lines. In addition to your favorite skincare products, this anti-aging facial therapy device could give your face a noticeably youthful glow. You only need to use it for around 20 seconds daily to see results. Even better, this tool is now only $54.99 (reg. $399).

The IntelliPen uses powerful electric muscle stimulation, which can strengthen muscles and improve blood flow, according to Scientific American. Combined with heat technology, this device can provide your skin with the boost it needs to look more vibrant, young, and rejuvenated. For the best results, after applying your favorite eye cream, hold the device up to your face, massaging the area around the eyes gently. This can tone facial muscles, increase circulation, and tighten the skin.

After using the IntelliPen regularly for as little as 20 seconds each day, you can even implement it into your nightly routine. You could notice a change in your face in the form of less swelling and fewer wrinkles and fine lines. The device can even help reduce under-eye bags or dark circles around the eyes, which are notoriously difficult to get rid of.

And thanks to its fast-charging feature, it’s easy to keep the tool revved up and ready to go, and you can easily pop it into your makeup bag, purse, or whatever else to use whenever you want.

Give your skin the extra attention it needs with the IntelliPen and get the youthful glow you’ve been dreaming of.

Grab the VYSN Anti-Aging and Facial Therapy IntelliPen now for just $54.99 (reg. $399).

Prices subject to change.

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