10 Murderous Movies Perfect For Spooky Season Viewing

10 Murderous Movies Perfect For Spooky Season Viewing

This film is graphically violent, beautifully shot, and a scratch away from telling two beautiful, vampiric love stories. Written and Directed by Oscar Winner Kathryn Bigelow (the first woman to win an Academy Award for Best Director, fyi, for 2008’s The Hurt Locker), the connection you feel with these characters is undeniable. From Severen, the violent cowboy-biker, with the best one liners, to the aged wisdom of Jesse and Diamondback, you’ll be falling for this film. It’s definitely one of the more serious movies on this list and there’s also a companion documentary called Living in Darkness with lots of interviews with the cast and crew, including the most adorable interview with Adrian Pasdar (Top Gun, Heroes, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D) where he admits he was, and still is, in love with his co-star Jenny Wright.

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