13 Pictures With Unidentified Photographed Objects In Them (Like, Literally, Nobody Knows What They Are)

13 Pictures With Unidentified Photographed Objects In Them (Like, Literally, Nobody Knows What They Are)

13 Unknown Objects That Have Completely And Unequivocally Stumped The Internet

The trail cam photo will haunt my dreams.

One of my favorite subreddits is r/whatisthisthing because humans never cease to amaze me. Someone can post half of a rusty circle and say, “What is this thing I found in my garage” and in mere seconds, someone else will be like, “That’s a brake pad from a 1960 Chevy Camaro.” It’s wild.

Due to how efficiently objects can be identified, it’s always interesting to me to see pictures of things that nobody has an explanation for. So here are some of the most puzzling photos that nobody has been able to ID yet.

1. “A friend bought a box of these at an auction and we can’t figure out what they are? The little ‘wing’ is movable. They are all made of wood.”

2. “Please help me identify this thing. I found it in the woods. Is it human work or natural? It’s quite heavy.”

3. “Old French kitchen utensil..what is it? Its use?”

4. “The top and bottom portions slide back and forth. It looks like it has been handled a lot, as the coloring has worn down a lot. There seems to be a signature on the bottom but that is too worn to read.”

5. “WITT – marble like piece found on the beach in coastal Washington with an engraving.”

6. “Metal shoes with fins that strap on to feet.”

7. “This was taken by a trail cam on my Dad’s property, other than ET what is this?”

8. “Water (or other substance) goes in, doesn’t come out. There’s no hole between the two sides so it can’t be an hourglass like I first thought.”

9. “This thing is in an F150 my parents bought. Looks like a little speaker? Thought it might be for the backup sensors but it doesn’t seem to make any noise.”

10. “What is this odd board game? Reverse image searches show nothing.”

11. “Found at the bottom of the lake. It’s booze. I haven’t died yet…”

12. “What is this strange shovel? Found it at a liquidation store.”

13. “Metal square, about 1″x1″ with fives written on it. About the weight of a quarter.”

Do you know what any of these things are? Or do you have a curious object of your own? Tell us in the comments below!

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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