20 People Who I Know For A Fact, Like An Absolute Fact, Regret Waking Up That Morning

20 People Who I Know For A Fact, Like An Absolute Fact, Regret Waking Up That Morning

20 People Who I Know For A Fact, Like An Absolute Fact, Regret Every Single Choice They Made Last Week

Folks, I do not envy these poor souls.

If your week is going absolutely horribly, just remember…

1. The person who picked the absolute worst place to park on that day:

2. The person who made a terrible, terrible mistake:

3. The person whose package got nice ‘n’ smushed:

4. The person who got trapped in a prison of their own making:

5. The person who just invented caffeinated yogurt:

6. The person faced with this impossible task:

7. The person who might want to buff out that scratch on their phone:

8. The person who will apparently live out the rest of their days in the interview room:

9. The person who experienced true Croc devastation:

10. The person who saved their beloved succulent… but at what cost:

11. The person who learned a lesson humans have been learning since time immemorial:

12. The person who came home to a little, fun surprise:

13. The person who might want to watch their sodium intake after this one:

14. The person who will now always quadruple bag their trash:

15. The person who will never park all willy-nilly again:

16. The person who will always, ALWAYS check the freezer from now on:

17. The person who will be finding little grains of rice until the cows come home:

18. The person who had a little friend say hello during some hair drying:

19. The person who’s gonna be eating good for lunch today:


20. And the person who had the unthinkable happen:

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